Wednesday, January 1, 2020

On Having an Own Child : reproductive technologies and the cultural construction of childhood

On Having an Own Child : reproductive technologies and the cultural construction of childhood 
by Karin Lesnik-Oberstein 
Language: English 
[S.l.] : Routledge, 2019. 
xxiv, 199 pages ; 23 cm. 
ISBN: 9781855755451 ; 1855755459 
Summary: "This is the first book ever to consider in-depth why people want children, and specifically why people want children produced by reproductive technologies (such as IVF, ICSI, etc). As the book demonstrates, even books ostensibly devoted to the topic of why people want children and the reasons for using reproductive technologies tend to start with the assumption that this is either simply a biological drive to reproduce or a socially instilled desire. This book uses psychoanalysis not to provide an answer in its own right, but as an analytic tool to probe more deeply the problems of these assumptions. The idea that reproductive technologies simply supply an 'own' child is questioned in this volume in terms of asking how and why reproductive technologies are seen to create this 'ownness'."--Jacket. 

  • Parenthood -- Psychological aspects
  • Human reproductive technology -- Social aspects
  • Human reproductive technology -- Psychological aspects
  • Parenthood -- Social aspects

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